1:30-2:30pm on SundaysJanuary-May 2021
Beginning January 17, elementary children will meet weekly via zoom for virtual large group and small group. Our time will begin in one large Zoom call, where we will hear and engage with the Bible story and practice a memory verse, then we will divide into small groups for discussion and application activities. Small groups will be based on current grade.
Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Please select the small group your child will participate in based on their grade for the 2020-2021 school year. If you have multiple children, please register each child individually, even if they will all be joining the call on one device.
Kid’s Quest spring 2021 virtual programming will be different than our fall programming in that the large group element will be included in the Zoom call, and all children will join one call, rather than individual calls for each small group. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact the Kid’s Quest team.
We can’t wait to see our new recruits and start exploring God’s Word together on January 17!
Questions?Josie Peery