Opportunity Details

First Response Team

Serving and protecting the congregation
Connect Team Member

Respond to this Opportunity

Additional Information

The First Response Team provides opportunities for individuals trained in security, law enforcement, personnel protection, first responder, and/or medical emergency response to serve to protect our various MBC campuses. Participants value the strong bonds of fellowship developed in service, training and social activities.  Applicants are requested to complete the First Response Team (FRT) application form and request and complete a McLean Bible Church background check form from our Director of Congregational Care
Please print your maiden name or any aliases:
*Please click on the link and read through "What We Teach"

Have you read the MBC What We Teach Booklet?
Is there any part of the "What We Teach" booklet that you do not understand or do not agree with?:
*Location you are applying for:
Service Time Availability:
check all that apply

Previous Address & Other Information

Please provide information for all addresses you have lived for the past 5 years.
Previous Address (if applicable)

Street Address:
Dates lived at this location:
Personal Situation
MBC is committed to partnering with individuals whose personal aim is to follow God’s desires and maintain the highest level of biblical standards in their lives. Individuals not legally married must abide by a clear understanding and consistent practice of abstention, which includes not living together, married individuals should practice monogamy in marriage, and only heterosexual relationships.

Individuals should also abstain from the use of excessive alcohol or any illegal substance. In addition, individuals may not use tobacco, alcohol or any illegal substance on MBC premises or at any MBC event. Upholding MBC's high standards of personal and social behavior reflects positively on both the individual serving and MBC.

Please note that MBC is open to potentially partnering with individuals who are not familiar with the biblical standards referred to above. However, adherence to these standards may determine which ministry and the extent to which you may serve.
*Is there any part of the above statements that you are not willing to adhere to? 
If "Yes", please explain.
*Marital Status:
*What languages do you speak?:
*Have you ever been accused, investigated for, arrested, charged, convicted or pleaded guilty to a crime (either civil or criminal)? 
If "Yes", please explain.
*Have you ever been accused, investigated for, arrested, charged, convicted, or pleaded guilty to a crime (either civil or criminal) involving neglect, abuse, molestation or battery of any person under 18 years of age?
If "Yes", please explain.
*Have you ever been investigated by Child Protection Services or another Child Welfare Agency for neglect, abuse, molestation or battery of any person under 18 years of age?
If "Yes", please explain.
*Have you ever had a finding of abuse against you by Child Protection Services or another Child Welfare Agency?
If "Yes", please explain.
*Do you have any emotional or physical conditions which may limit your ability to serve with Minors/Vulnerable adults here at MBC?
If "Yes", please explain.
*Is there any circumstance or pattern in your life which would make it inappropriate for you to serve with minor/vulnerable adults or would compromise the integrity of McLean Bible Church? 
If "Yes", please explain.

All information concerning the children and families served by MBC is to remain strictly confidential. Volunteers agree to keep information confidential that is of a sensitive, medical, privileged or non-public nature and may only disclose such information to Ministry Staff, designated Volunteer Team Leaders or those emergency teams which require information for medical treatment or other legitimate reasons related to client care. Volunteers are bound to this agreement as a condition of being able to serve in this ministry and will continue to be bound by it indefinitely following the completion of their service. I acknowledge that I have completely read and understand the Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement and that I am signing it of my own free will.
*I acknowledge that I have completely read and understand the Volunteer Confidentially Agreement and that I am signing it of own free will. 


As a volunteer at MBC working with children and families, we are asking you to adhere to the following codes of personal and private conduct:
1. Clothing should be appropriate and modest for work with minor/vulnerable adults, and should never display anything vulgar, illegal, or suggestive in content for minor/vulnerable adults.
2. Volunteer leaders will not use profane language, curse words, make crude or vulgar jokes, and should never speak or suggest anything sexual in nature to minor/vulnerable adults in public or private.
3. As a NextGen volunteer, we ask that you ensure that your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc. reflect positively on you as an ambassador of Christ and His Church. (Good question to ask; “Does what I am posting communicate that I condone, support or promote anything that is ungodly?).
4. Abstain from all forms of pornography.
I am aware that in working with minor/vulnerable adults there will be standards and expectations to guide and/or limit physical contact with minor/vulnerable adults. I understand that I will be required to attend a training/orientation to be informed of these policies.
*I agree to the above code of conduct.
*Present Employment:
*Job Title/Responsibility:
Current or previous work, volunteer experience, certifications, or degrees that may be relevant to working with minors:
References (Please inform your references that they will be contacted.)

1) Over 18 years old
2) Not related to you
3) Has known you for more than 1 year
4) Has a definite knowledge of your character.
5) If possible, has observed your interaction with minors.
Reference 1:
*Nature of Association:
*Length of time known:
*City & State of Residence:
*Daytime phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
Reference 2:
*Nature of Association:
*Length of time known:
*City & State of Residence:
*Daytime phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx):
Spiritual Journey
*Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If so, when?
*Do you regularly attend worship service at MBC?

Which service?
*What other areas of the church have you been involved in and how have you served in those ministries?  
*Why do you wish to serve on the First Response Team?
*Write a brief testimony about how and when you became a Christian?  
*Theoretically, if you were to die tonight and Jesus was to ask you, “Why should I let you in heaven,” how would you respond?  
Applicant's Statement
The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize any references listed in this application to give you any information (including opinions) that they may have regarding my character and fitness for working with minors. I authorize the release of the information contained in this application, on a confidential need to know basis, to any ministry at McLean Bible Church in which I seek a volunteer position. In consideration of the receipt and evaluation of this application by McLean Bible Church, I hereby release any individual, church, youth organization, charity, reference or any other person or organization, including record custodians, both collectively and individually, from any and all liability for damages of whatever kind or nature, which may at any time result to me, my heirs or family, on account of compliance or any attempts to comply, with this authorization. To uphold the confidentiality of the references, I waive any right that I may have to inspect any information provided about me by any person or organization. Should my application be accepted, I agree to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my services on behalf of McLean Bible Church.


*Please read the above statement carefully. Do you agree with statement?: